Title: What makes Huachuca City special?
Description: This is a compilation video of various Huachuca City residents talking about what makes the town special to them.
Creator: various
Subject: Huachuca City (Ariz.), Castleberry, Jane (Mudder), Montevallo, Martha, Parizek, Sheri (Zimpelman), Parizek, Sue, Phillips, Brenda (Bailey ), Sulger, Sharon (Upchurch), Upchurch, Sharon, Wallace, Johann, hcvideos
Temporal coverage: 1970s (1970-1979), 1980s (1980-1989), 1990s (1990-1999), 2000s (2000-2009), 2010s (2010-2019)
State: Arizona
County: Cochise County
Locality: Huachuca City
Rights statement: Copyright, Town of Huachuca City. Educational use permitted.