Title: American Legion event recognizing Martha Montevallo
Description: On November 3, 2019, American Legion Post 52 recognized 97 year old Huachuca City resident Martha Montevallo for her service in the Army from 1942-1946. The event began with an American Legion Riders procession from Ms. Montevallo’s home to the American Legion Post in Sierra Vista. At the Post, Ms. Montevallo was recognized and celebrated by her family, friends, and Legion members.
A video of this event is also available.
A video of this event is also available.
Creator: Fasimpaur, Karen
Subject: Huachuca City (Ariz.); World War II; American Legion; Women's Army Corps (U.S.); Women's Army Corps Training Center (Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.), Montevallo, Martha
Temporal coverage: 1940s (1940-1949), 2010s (2010-2019)
State: Arizona
County: Cochise County
Locality: Huachuca City, Sierra Vista
Rights statement: Copyright 2019 Town of Huachuca City, educational use permitted