Title: Bill Stein interview - June 24, 2020
Description: In this interview, former Huachuca City council member Bill Stein talks about how he came to Huachuca City and his time on the city council from 1994-2000. He also talks about the many recalls of council members and mayors, his memories of mayors George Nerhan, Carole Vaughn, and Annie Glee, the recycling center and landfill, the Industrial Development Authority, and what makes Huachuca City special to him.
(All content and interviews contained on this site are as supplied by the contributors. They have not been fact checked and do not represent the views of the Town of Huachuca City.)
(All content and interviews contained on this site are as supplied by the contributors. They have not been fact checked and do not represent the views of the Town of Huachuca City.)
Creator: Stein, Bill
Subject: Huachuca City (Ariz.), Fort Huachuca, Glee, Annie, Johnson, Jim, Nerhan, Gurmeet “George”, Vaughn, Carole, hcvideos
Temporal coverage: 1990s (1990-1999), 2000s (2000-2009)
State: Arizona
County: Cochise County
Locality: Huachuca City
Rights statement: Copyright, Town of Huachuca City. Educational use permitted.