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1900s (1900-1909) 1960s (1960-1969)
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1930s (1930-1939) 1990s (1990-1999)
1940s (1940-1949) 2000s (2000-2009)
1950s (1950-1959) 2010s (2010-2019)

Wooden football chart - 1937


This wooden board shows the plays in a Nov. 20, 1937 high school football game between Tombstone High School and Bisbee High School. The final score was Tombstone 19 to Bisbee 7. The coach was Joe B. Wisdom. On the team was David Sulger who would become the first mayor of Huachuca City.

Relay race baton - 1940


This wooden relay race baton commemorates the Tombstone High School's first place at the conference and state 880 relay race in 1940. The time was 1 minute 36.9 seconds. The coach was J.B. Wisdom. On the team were T. Castro, L. Schrader, R. Escalante, and L. Martins.

Card catalog


This old wooden card catalog is from the old Tombstone High School. Before computers, card catalogs were used in libraries to keep track of the books in stock.

The original Tombstone High School was constructed in 1922 and was open until 2006, when the school moved. Under the leadership of teacher Mary Perez, a museum of items, in which this is housed, was created to preserve the history of the old building.

School furniture from old Tombstone High School


This old desk and storage hutch is from the old Tombstone High School. It is now in the new high school library and houses various historical artifacts from the school.

The original Tombstone High School was constructed in 1922 and was open until 2006, when the school moved. Under the leadership of teacher Mary Perez, a museum of items, in which this is housed, was created to preserve the history of the old building.

Wooden furniture from old Tombstone High School


This filing cabinet and storage hutch is from the old Tombstone High School. It is now in the new high school library and houses various historical artifacts from the school.

The original Tombstone High School was constructed in 1922 and was open until 2006, when the school moved. Under the leadership of teacher Mary Perez, a museum of items, in which this is housed, was created to preserve the history of the old building.

Plaque at Tombstone High School history museum


This plaque tells about the museum at Tombstone High School. It is located in the new high school library and houses various historical artifacts from the school.

The original Tombstone High School was constructed in 1922 and was open until 2006, when the school moved. Under the leadership of teacher Mary Perez, a museum of items, in which this is housed, was created to preserve the history of the old building.

Fact sheet for new Tombstone High School


This fact sheet describes the new Tombstone High School building, which was completed in 2006. It includes a floor plan and details about the architects, contractors, construction cost, and design.

Program for the dedication of the new Tombstone High School - 2006


This is the program for the dedication ceremony for the new Tombstone High School, which was held on April 22, 2006. Among the speakers at this event was Huachuca City mayor George Nerhan.

Student records - 1913-15


This is a page from a handwritten student records book from 1913-15. The records include student information, classes, and grades.

Student records - 1916-18


This is a page from a handwritten student records book from 1916-18. The records include student information, classes, and grades.

Accession book - 1937


This is a page from a 1937 accession book from Tombstone High School. Before computers, accession books were used to keep track of books acquired by the library.

Basketball score sheet - 1969


This is a score sheet from a 1969 high school basketball game between Tombstone and Florence. Tombstone lost the game 58-60.

Tombstone homecoming - 1969


This photo shows football players entering the stadium for the 1969 Tombstone High School homecoming game. The yellow jacket is the school's mascot. Antelope High School was the opposing team. The cheerleaders in this picture are Dawn Kessler and Trudy Farr.

Tombstone high school varsity cheerleaders - 1985


The 1985 Tombstone High School varsity cheerleaders
Top row: Nick Smith, Lynn McGriff, Michelle Ellserry
Front row: Antonette Borer, Jaime Lorez, Alisha Mayes

Tombstone high school junior varsity cheerleaders - 1985


The 1985 Tombstone High School junior varsity cheerleaders
From left to right: Junior Castillo, Susan Howard, Regina Escapule, Esther Gaskill

High school calendar events - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook shows calendar events for the year. Events include a senior ditch day in the Chiricahua Mountains.

High school class history - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook tells about the history of the senior class that year.

Included in this class were Elaine Costello (Sulger), who would become the first Huachuca City postmistress, and David Sulger, who would be the first mayor of Huachuca City. Elaine and her sister Evelyn had been in the same class since first grade.

Tombstone High School yearbook page with Evelyn Costello - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook shows some of the senior class that year. Included in this class was Evelyn Costello, sister of Elaine Costello (Sulger), who would become the first Huachuca City postmistress.

Tombstone High School yearbook page with the Sulgers - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook shows some of the senior class that year. Included in this class were Elaine Costello (Sulger), who would become the first Huachuca City postmistress, and David Sulger, who would be the first mayor of Huachuca City.

Tombstone High School faculty - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook shows the faculty of the school that year.