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Dave Sulger Named First Mayor


This December 11, 1958 article in the Tombstone Epitaph tells that Dave Sulger was unanimously selected by the new Huachuca City town council to be the first mayor.

The council, named by the county board of supervisors, included Dave Sulger, John M. Houston, Jesse Goddard, Harvey Thompson, and Leroy Bickmore. William Hardy was appointed town clerk, magistrate and director of civilian defense. William Shelton was chosen to head the planning committee.

Wooden football chart - 1937


This wooden board shows the plays in a Nov. 20, 1937 high school football game between Tombstone High School and Bisbee High School. The final score was Tombstone 19 to Bisbee 7. The coach was Joe B. Wisdom. On the team was David Sulger who would become the first mayor of Huachuca City.

High school class history - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook tells about the history of the senior class that year.

Included in this class were Elaine Costello (Sulger), who would become the first Huachuca City postmistress, and David Sulger, who would be the first mayor of Huachuca City. Elaine and her sister Evelyn had been in the same class since first grade.

Tombstone High School yearbook page with the Sulgers - 1939


This page from the 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook shows some of the senior class that year. Included in this class were Elaine Costello (Sulger), who would become the first Huachuca City postmistress, and David Sulger, who would be the first mayor of Huachuca City.

Note in yearbook from David Sulger to coach - 1939


This note was written in a 1939 Tombstone High School yearbook by David Sulger to his coach Joe Wisdom. Sulger, who would go on to be the first mayor of Huachuca City, played football for the school.

David Sulger, First Mayor


David Sulger was the first mayor of Huachuca City and served from December 8, 1958 to June 8, 1961.

Mudder, Bailey, and Upchurch interview - July 9, 2020


This is an interview with Sharon Sulger Upchurch, Brenda Phillips Bailey, and Jane Castleberry Mudder, who grew up as childhood friends in Huachuca City in the 1960s and have remained friends since then. In the interview, they talk about their families, growing up in Huachuca City, early businesses there, going to school in Tombstone, different people they remember, and Sierra Vista (Fry) in the 1950s and 60s.

(All content and interviews contained on this site are as supplied by the contributors. They have not been fact checked and do not represent the views of the Town of Huachuca City.)

Sharon Sulger Upchurch interview - July 9, 2020


This is an interview with Sharon Sulger Upchurch. Upchurch’s father, Dave Sulger, was the first mayor of Huachuca City, and her mother, Elaine (Costello) Sulger was the town’s first postmistress. In this interview, Upchurch talks about how her grandparents came to this area, her early memories of her parents, and early memories of the town.

(All content and interviews contained on this site are as supplied by the contributors. They have not been fact checked and do not represent the views of the Town of Huachuca City.)